Thursday, 27 June 2013

An Anzac in France - Battle of the Somme 1916

"Hurcombes Hungry Half Hundred"

The 50th AIF Battalion In France

The story of John Henry Bannan Continues

After John's Gallipoli service, the 10th Battalion returned to Egypt where the 50th Battalion was formed as part of the "doubling of the AIF". Again, the soldiers were sourced primarily from South Australia.

The Battalion was raised on the 26th February 1916 at Serapeum, Egypt. John was transferred that day, and was Taken on Strength the next day. March saw them move to Tel El Kabir. As the Battalion was part of the 13th Brigade, 4th Division, some units had to be raised from scratch, delays raising artillery units led to an extended stay in Egypt.

On the 5th June, John was transported to Alexandria where the 50th Battalion became part of the British Expeditionary Force, setting sail on the "Arcadian" for Marseilles, France.

The Arcadian was subsequently sunk in 1917 by a German U boat, with in excess of 200 lives lost.

Unit diaries commence 10th July 1916 as follows:

"Intermittent shelling throughout the day and up to 12 midnight on 9/7/16. A large percentage of enemy shells failed to explode. Several enemy aeroplanes were observed overhead but were all driven back to their lines by heavy shrapnel fire.Damage done by enemy shells insignificant. Weather clear, wind faint SW."

Australians Marching August 1916

Much of July was spent marching to the Front line, arriving on the 12th August 1916. The "front line" would later be called the "Battle of the Somme". "The battle was one of the largest of World War I, in which more than 1,000,000 British, German and French men were wounded or killed, making it one of humanity's bloodiest slaughters" (Wiki). 

12th August:(Mouquet Farm) "The Battalion moved to the wire trench at 6am arriving at 8.30am without mishap. Heavy fog favorable for move. Orders received from 4th Brigade HQ to proceed to front line as quickly as possible. "A" company moved out at 10.30am followed an hour later by "B"," C" and "D" companies. Enemy heavily bombarded trench heading up and extra heavy barrage immediately on arrival."

Later that same day: 

"Enemy shell fire violent and continuous at 6pm, impossible for "D" company to take over from 16th Battalion while barrage lasted. Casualties fairly heavy and work of same removing to Dressing Station very difficult. Our aeroplanes active observing enemy fire. One brought down by our planes but seemingly fell in front of our lines. 7pm enemy fire easing slightly, our artillery very active. Battalion to attack at 10.30pm tonight."

"Terrific barrage from our artillery from 10.30pm to 11pm. Battalion very successful in gaining its objective. Casualties to 9am approx 100 - 20 killed, 80 wounded. Heavy enemy bombardment all next day especially around head trenches and saps leading up to front line. Very difficult to take food and water up. Numerous doing their utmost to provide these necessities."

During these 6 weeks, the Australians sustained more casualties than in the entire 8 months at Gallipoli.
"German artillery bombardments were intense during these attacks. Moreover, as the Australians were advancing into an ever-narrowing salient into the enemy line, the Germans were able to shell them from three directions. All movement towards the front was observed by the enemy as the whole area was torn up by artillery shells, leaving a sea of craters that turned into a bog when rain fell. The shelling had destroyed all the landmarks and the attackers became disoriented and lost. There was no undamaged surface there. It was as if the circumstances in which the Aussies found themselves stranded were a surreal scene from hell."

The average person in the 21st century would have difficulty believing the following, as it seems so remote from today's world, but it happened...
4th August: Very heavy bombardment all day. Enemy guns blowing trenches and sapo to pieces. Stretcher bearers and runners have very difficult task and have been augmented. Very fine individual efforts being performed. Casualties to 12 noon around 45 killed and 105 wounded. Lieutenant Haynes wounded and shell shock. 

The moonscape that was the battlefield of the Somme

Diaries of Johns Battalion continues to count the toll over the month of August, by the 19th, 55 were dead, 284 were wounded and 67 were missing. Some slightly wounded returned to ranks and 45 reinforcements joined. Still a massive 406 out of the Battalion of 1000 were either killed or injured in a week. In a letter to 4th Division Command, Major R B Jacob expressed immense dissatisfaction with medical provisions for the Battalion as well as the shortage of water and inadequate communication channels (although Pigeons were deemed to be successful). In a week the Battalion expended 120,000 rounds of ammunition and 3,800 bombs.

The 50th was relieved from the front line, and spent September in reserve , training, "on Fatigue (doing chores), re-organising the ranks and receiving new recruits. A dose of Influenza circulated the camp, with 27 being hospitalised. Self inflicted wounds seems to have been a problem with the warning  of "the certainty of punishment for self inflicted wounds" by the commanding officer.

On the 23rd the Battalion moved into huts at Relinghelst.

November saw the Battalion return to the Front Line, this time at Fricourt.
Fricourt Allied Soldiers

The front line held by the 50th at Fricourt consisted of 300 yards, 180 of which was defended by troops, the balance covered by Lewis Machine Gun.

Support lines were bombed with gas. The use of gas would later affect John during the years to come.

Much of the time at Fricourt was spent improving trenches and dug-outs. Sickness sent many to hospital.

December came, building huts and constructing railways to improve the supply chain. The Battalion marched to Buire and on to St Vaast where Christmas was spent. "Christmas day, church parade, extra money spent on Christmas Dinner".

Some real 1916 Footage of the battle of the Somme is below.

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